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The Rapture Event describes the moment Jesus appears in the air and gathers up all the dead and living people who believe in Him and are waiting for His return. Both living and resurrected bodies will be physically restored to perfection before being caught up to join Jesus on a trip back to Heaven.

It is scheduled to occur during a period when we experience unusual increases in violent activity, global wars, economic hardships and natural disasters, such as the world has never witnessed before. Few can deny that it seems to be the case in today’s world, especially with respect to stockpiles of nuclear weapons capable of wiping out all of humanity!

The Rapture Event is a message of hope. Biblically speaking, it also provides a way for us to ‘dodge the bullet’ on all those scary and horrific end-of-the-world prophesies detailed in the book of Revelation. This is because all those events will unfold
after we are whisked away!
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There are numerous references to the Rapture Event pollinated throughout the Bible, but they are often disguised as ‘Easter eggs’ because they are mixed together with stories and historical events. This presents a challenge to clearly identify their ‘hidden’ meaning. Paul identified the Rapture Event best when he wrote about it in a letter addressed to the Church of Corinth. He was responding to questions about the timing of Jesus’s return during the last days.

Raised From Death, Reanimated and Translated:
1 Corinthians 15: 51-55

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(additional Rapture Event Texts are as follows)

Rapture Prophesied 2700 Years Ago:
Isaiah 26:19-21

Jesus Asks For A Rapture Of Believers:
John 17:24

Clear Promise, Some Taken, Some Left:
Luke 17:34-36

Jesus Promises Heavenly Fellowship & Homes:
John 14:1-4

Rapture Signs Before The Beast Is Revealed:
2 Thessalonians 2:7-8

Rescued Before The Wrath Begins:
1 Thessalonians 5:8-10

Saved From The Wrath:
Romans 5:9

Saved From The Wrath:
Revelation 3:10

How The Rapture Will Happen:
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

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It is difficult to admit our faults and weaknesses because that means acknowledging our shameful failures and inadequacies. But it is important to remember we inherited that sinful nature through birth; therefore it is impossible to personally save ourselves with good intentions, public displays of morality, or generous philanthropic deeds. You may think you are a good person, but good intentions and personal endeavors (works) are not acceptable to God for salvation.

Salvation is a process of
admitting we are hopeless sinners, asking forgiveness, and believing that Christ stood in our place to shed His blood and atone for ALL those sins with His sacrifice on the cross. We can only qualify for the Rapture Event, by His grace alone!

There are NO personal works good enough to qualify you for a Rapture Pass!

Forgiven and Forever Cleansed
1 John 1:9

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Primarily, we gain knowledge through sentient experiences (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing). Secondary input comes from authoritative sources such as books, movies, inscriptions, etc.

Since Jesus lived long before we were born, the only way we can discover if he was a real person and learn about His life is from authoritative sources such as the Bible. This ancient book not only details His life, and mission, but predicted his arrival hundreds of years before His actual birth!

When we engage in the authentication process we are required to cross-reference information with other authoritative sources in order to verify accuracy. A few of the secular historians such as Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny the Younger, and Suetonius recorded historical events about Jesus.

If We Believe We Will Live Forever:
John 3:16

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The greatest gift you could ever receive would be if someone sacrificed his life so you could live. Therefore, it should not be difficult to accept the fact that Jesus is not only your Creator, but also your Savior who willingly shed His blood, gave His life and personally wants to spend Eternity with you. His blood is the only way you can be redeemed and forgiven so you can stand sinless before God!

This is truly a no-brainer for most of us, but there are some who consider themselves unworthy of such a gift so they torture their bodies physically and mentally because they find it hard to accept such generosity. Don’t be one of those people. Accept this precious gift with humility and reverence.

Forgiven and Forever Cleansed:
Ephesians 2:8-9

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If you skip the ‘Invite Others’ step it will not disqualify you from the Rapture Event. It is our hope this project will engage your enthusiasm to tell others about how they can join and be made aware of the Rapture Event opportunity.

Therefore, we invite individuals and church groups to join our
PASS – THE – PASS Campaign (note details below). No one knows the day or the hour, but many signs indicate 2024 could be the year the Rapture Event happens. If that is the case, there isn’t much time left, so don’t delay!

Spread the Gospel Everywhere:
Mark 16:15

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