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Sermon on a Card
I work at a supermarket and one of my jobs is restocking shelves and cleanup. While cleaning up in one of the isles, I saw a yellow business card on the floor, so I swept it into the trash bin.

Later, while stocking an endcap I noticed another card on the shelf ledge but didn’t throw it away because I saw the word rapture, so I kept it because I had heard my sister talking about it.

When I showed it to her she got all excited and took it to show her pastor. I guess he took one look at it and called it the best sermon on a card he had ever seen!

I’m not much of a church type of guy but their reaction made me curious so now I’m asking questions and have to admit this is sounding pretty cool! I don’t know how the card got there but whoever it was, they should know they’ve really started something here!

Ben — Coos Bay, Oregon

.... he took one look at it and called it the best sermon on a card he had ever seen!
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It Can’t Be That Simple!
It started when was in a checkout line with a few groceries. The man in front of me noticed I only had a few items, so he kindly motioned me to go ahead because his basket was full. He had a big smile, and was pleasant, so we joked back and forth.

There was a pause and he asked if I was a Christian and I told him yes. He then asked what I thought about the rapture. I told him I hadn’t given it much thought because it seemed a controversial subject. In truth I didn’t know much about it. He handed me a Rapture Pass card and said check it out. That ended our conversation.

As I read the rapture qualifications on the back of the card, I thought, it can’t be that simple! I showed it to my husband, and he suggested we take it to our minister. His reaction surprised both of us. He said this would be a perfect way to get more people excited about the rapture, then proceeded to explain how closely it aligns with last day events. I think he is looking into getting more of those cards.

The rapture seems to be right around the corner, and it’s all we talk about at church now. To think this all started in a grocery checkout line, hallelujah!

Mary Beth - Portland, Oregon

... this would be a perfect way to get more people excited about the rapture ...